Clean YouTube comments from hate, spam, harassment and trolls.

ZenTube automatically blocks and hides hateful and spam YouTube comments from appearing on your feed.

Get ZenTube


Screenshot of multiple troll YouTube comments

How to install

Start by getting a userscript manager, such as Tampermonkey. Then, click "Add userscript" to install the userscript.

Add userscript

ZenTube works by automatically scanning each comment on every video you watch, comparing them against our open-source filter lists. When harmful content is detected, those comments are instantly hidden from your view.

Then, our servers will quickly verify if the account indeed is a troll and block it for everyone. To ensure your privacy, all of the checking process is done client-side, with only the filter updates being done through an API.

You can report a troll comment directly from YouTube by clicking the at the top right of the comment, "ZenTube" and then "Report".


Why a userscript?
It allows ZenTube to work everywhere without having to maintain four different versions of it.

Won't this just give trolls more attention?

Is this open-source?